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P&S - Alpha of Disorder EP

It’s time for already the 55th release on The Nursery and the second release of the new year by a new artist duo: P&S.

P&S, better known under their solo projects Porteix and Shaney, are hailing from the Southside of France and are no strangers to the scene. Their style can be described as immersive and mind-bending techno, which is exactly how we like it. They’ve just decided to collaborate on this release for the first time under their new moniker P&S and we’re very excited to share it with you.

The EP consists of 5 proper club bangers that most certainly will do some damage on the floor. We are in love with the sound and can’t wait to hear what the future holds for P&S.

Surrender yourself to Alpha of Disorder.

Price €6,00


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Ben Klock
Favorite track: Balargue
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"Thanks, great release!"
Favorite track: Evolver
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"Thanks, full support."
Marcel Dettmann
Favorite track: Obsession
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"Will play! Thx"

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