Connect with: Gabriel D’Or & Bordoy

We had a chance to sit down with Gabriel D’Or and Bordoy and talk about their DJ’ing, their personal life and much more. We hope you enjoy the read! Check out the interview below.


 – How did you two meet, and when did you decide to start a collaboration together?

 • We met in Madrid around 2003, We were living close and a mutual friend introduced us, we played some vinyl for fun during that time and also started to play with the brand new Ableton 4 and Fruity Loops 3. Then Gabriel moved to another house that was a bit far and we had some years with not much communication. Around 2007 we got in touch again on Myspace and decided to produce a track, there was a great connection in the studio and that song was played by some good artist of that time, so we decided to team up and start producing more tracks together. 

 – When did you guys decided to start a label and what are your experiences of running an own label?

 • The initial idea of Selected Records was conceived in 2007 but the label started on 2008. The best experience is meeting new people and discovering new talents. 

 – Besides playing music, you also do mastering. Do you guys also master your own tracks? If so, don’t you think that is really difficult to master your own tracks?

 •Yes, we do the mastering for many of the tracks released on Selected Records, but It’s definitely more difficult to do mastering for our own music than for others tracks, although normally the mixdown is equalized as we like so no need to make big changes on eq to make it sound as we want. 

 – Has music been always played a prominent role in your life? What are your big inspirations to achieve the sound you’re currently representing? 

 • Yes, without music life would be almost meaningless, we both were very interested in music from a very early age. We are inspired and we learn from everything we listen, not only from big and established artist like Oscar Mulero or Luke Slater but from music played in local clubs like Cassette, Stardust, Family Club, Crow or Code. 

 – What personal traits of you guys can we hear back in the music you produce?

 • I guess that happy and sad events during life, education and the people you meet during the journey have a lot of influence in the personal traits that people hear back in the music we make.

 – How did you come up with ‘Same Vision EP’? What equipment did you use and were there any sources of inspiration, emotions, or messages you wanted to convey?

 • The name can be seen as a kind of tribute to so many years making music together. to make it we used Ableton, DAW and some hardware synths like Neutron.

 – How is life in Spain during COVID? Are there any clubs or festivals going?

 • Well, in Spain restrictions are a bit different depending on the area. the truth is, in Madrid there have hardly been any restrictions on clubs since last summer.

 – Has COVID influenced the music you put out or your personal taste in music?

 • I don’t think We aware of it, but it has influenced everyone’s behavior so, in consequence, it’s logical to think that it also influenced our personal taste in music in some way. 

 – Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

• Hard to tell, all we want is to be healthy and happy.

Check out ‘Same Visions EP’ below!